Little Pilots Academy

19 March 2024

On the 9th of November I had the pleasure of visiting Little Pilots Academy in Middleton Grange. Little Pilots is a small childcare centre in Middleton Grange, taking its name from the aviation themed streets around the suburb. These streets in turn took their name from the former Hoxton Park Airport. Zedna Mardini opened the small centre and is one of many small childcare owners opening around my electorate to accommodate the influx of young families to the outer South West. I look forward to visiting and partnering with services like these. I know Zedna for one is passionate about practical solutions to improve safety for families in our growth suburbs. I want to thank all the staff for their hospitality in hosting me and I would like to thank Ramin, Fateh, Thomas, Liam, Cordelia, Ibrahim, Emily, and Alicia for their beautiful artwork that now hangs proudly on my office wall for all to see.