James Corcoran - Retiring Principal of Good Samaritan Catholic College

12 March 2024

I rise to recognise the service of James Corcoran, outgoing Principal of Good Samaritan Catholic College in Hinchinbrook in my electorate. Mr Corcoran is moving on having been in the role since 2019. His time at Good Sam has success across all fields of school life including academic, sporting and spiritual endeavours. His tenure also oversaw the difficult period of the pandemic. However, his leadership ensured that parish and school life continued through the introduction of online masses, graduation and information nights. I had the opportunity to thank Mr Corcoran in person at the Good Samaritan Awards Evening in December. A night that not only recognised the outstanding achievements of the students of Good Sam but was a testament to the legacy of Mr James Corcoran. As the school Term 4 newsletter succinctly put it: "his legacy of leadership, guidance, and dedication will forever remain etched in the fabric of our school." I thank him for his service and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.