Liverpool City Council: Fix Edmondson Avenue!

Liverpool City Council: Fix Edmondson Avenue! Main Image

We, the local residents, demand that Liverpool City Council finally upgrade Edmondson Avenue.

Liverpool Council has long-promised to upgrade Edmondson Avenue from a two-lane rural road to a four-land local road which will include new intersections to improve traffic flow and road safety. In recent months there have been a number of accidents and near misses at intersections along Edmondson.

Council has been given a total of $59 million for Stage 1 of the project by the State Government. This is on top of the millions in developer contributions Council has collected as our area grows. These funds should go back into the community to support the increased development, not sit in Council coffers.

Stage 1 was meant to be completed by mid-2024, but it doesn’t appear work has even started.

We call on Liverpool City Council to follow through on its promise and upgrade Edmondson Avenue as a matter of priority.